Bothell Runner With Premera Suffering From Stiff Muscles and Neck Pain Finds Freedom From Medication from Chiropractor Dr. Baker

A patient from Bothell suffered a debilitating car accident. In the collision another car hit the side of his car hitting his head on the window and causing whiplash. Now he suffers from extreme neck pain with soreness to the touch, a stiff lower back and a thoracic spine that makes it painful to even […]

Juanita Gymnast with United Health Care Finds Help with Lower Back Pain from Chiropractic Treatment

Putting in long hours in front of a desk, hunched over a computer had begun to take their toll on a Juanita woman’s back. Although she was a gymnast and had competed at the college level, she now experienced severe pain in her neck and both upper and lower back. The lower back pain and […]

Factoria Waitress finds Relief from Years of Leg Pain with a Kirkland Chiropractor

Leg pain can sideline servers. Waitressing is a hard job. Physically demanding and incredibly tiring, it can also be a lot of fun. It can also be dangerous. I know servers who have sliced hands open with the utensils, been cut by broken glasses and fallen while going through the servers’ areas. The floors are […]

No Surgery Required to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at this Chirporactor’s Clinic

When do you know if it’s time to try carpal tunnel? When your wrist can go so numb that it actually starts to tingle and hurt, carpal tunnel might be the cause. Eight little bones combine to form a hollow tube known as the carpal tunnel, which houses the Median nerve. If that nerve should […]

Juanita Child Finds Relief from Headaches with Kirkland Chiropractor

Looking for relief from headaches? Dr. Ben Baker has been helping patients find relief from back and body pain for years. While older people will think to go to the chiropractor for back pain, most parents don’t think to take their children to see the chiropractor. But children are just as likely to suffer from […]

Bellevue Sports Coach recommends Kirkland Chiropractor

People who are suffering from back pain are usually willing to call a chiropractor. But many people don’t realize that body pains outside of the back can easily be connected to back problems. Most of the body’s nerves run down the spine at some point, and compressed discs can put pressure on those nerves and […]

Chiropractic Physicians Eliminate Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are obnoxious. The body is not a series of independent systems, but rather a complex machine where everything works in unison. When one system is out of whack it can begin a domino effect throughout the body. Fortunately, chiropractors know how the back connects to the rest of the body. They understand the […]

Tennis Elbow can be treated in Kirkland through Chiropractic Care

Tennis elbow doesn’t have to come from playing tennis. It’s the result of overuse of the joint and can result from many different activities. DIY activities around the house, gardening, karate, gymnastics and many other sports can cause the pain that surrounds the elbow, traveling along the limb in either direction. Previously the best treatments […]