Author Archives: drbenbaker

Totem Lake Woman Gets Relief from Sciatica

Relief from Sciatica is imperative when you’re hurting. No one can know the pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve unless they have lived through it. Not only will the shooting pain interfere with daytime activities, it also prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep. I remember watching my mother struggle with sciatic nerve […]

Kirkland Chiropractic Care can Treat Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is annoying. Tylenol, Advil and Ibuprofen are fine for the short term relief of pain. When seeking long-term relief from the pain of tennis elbow, however, your best bet for health is to visit a chiropractor. The offices of PrimeSpine in Kirkland know how to properly treat and care for tennis elbow so […]

Chiropractors Know how to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The constant pain and inconvenience of carpal tunnel can be cured without surgery. Many people rely heavily on the use of Tylenol and NSAIDs to help with the tingling, numbness and burning pain of this condition. Pain medications will not, however, help cure the condition. Previously the best treatment was surgery to move the bones […]

Children also need Chiropractors

Most people take their children to the doctor for annual examinations. It’s important to know that your child is still healthy and growing properly because you can’t see inside their bodies. While most people will gladly take their child to the doctor to have height, weight and overall health evaluated, they don’t think to take […]

Chiropractic Care for the Entire Body | In network insurance provider in Kirkland, WA

The body’s nervous system is an incredible superhighway of sensations and information. Every twitch and tingle from the ends of your toes to the fingernails is relayed to the brain through this system, and it all goes through the spine. This simple fact makes it easy to understand why a back that’s having problems can […]

Host a Wellness Fair for Healthier Employees

Healthy employees are productive. When your staff is hurting from carpal tunnel syndrome or other work-related injuries their productivity will be reduced. People suffering from stabbing back pain or chronic neck spasms are not able to think as clearly as they could. Helping employees stay in top physical condition with no serious pain can increase […]

Chiropractic Care for Sciatic Nerve Pain | Kirkland Treatment

Sciatic nerve pain shoots through your body from the lower back to the lower legs. It can make any movement unbearably painful. Simply rotating your body to exit a car can be agonizing and the easy act of sitting can be excruciating. Chiropractic care is extremely effective for correcting the herniated or compressed discs that […]